
… or should I say ncurses? Getting back into C a little bit, and wouldn’t you know the first thing I come across is that the *nix side of the fence doesn’t have a conio.h library? I started creating a simple C program that would read one line at a time of a text file full of email addresses, and the first thing I wanted to do was clear the screen. Simple, right? Just clrscr(); … Well, no … Unix isn’t so happy to oblige. So I go off looking for conio.h and find the dreaded curses.h library that everyone suggests referring to … My gosh .. what a different world! So, I’m a little upset that this is a perdicament … All the program I wrote way back when will never compile on a Unix machine like I thought they would. There is a conio.h curses.h wrapper that someone wrote to get around this, but writing new things is going to be slower going because it’s so much different … and just for the heck of it, I installed TC++ 1.0 (Includes TurboC 2.0) on my desktop machine. DOS based, and it takes up less than 5 megabytes. =)

Know what I did for this simple program? system(“clear”);