… and finally, Work …

There are 3 sections like I said, so this post being my last post in a different section to round out some sort of testing I’m doing, this would be the area I would post about work related things. I guess whatever I have been up to, or whatever is keeping me busy at the time. I would think on a blog, personal stuff completely interferes with work stuff and vice versa … I mean, here I am messing with this thing at almost 5AM, and I have a past due web site to complete, the database project for my father, and the Out On the Town starts .. well today … Priorities … And if someone read everything I wrote every day or whenever, how does let them live their own life? Some crazy stuff in my opinion … either that or I’m delirious … Ok, I spelled it, I must not be it …

Default Sections

This blog installs 3 default sections to its blog. News, Play and Work. I think those would be sufficient for anyone, but in most cases you would probably only need one. This is where the solution to Franco’s situation may come into play, but if you’re going to try to keep something personal, I would think it impossible since you’ve already led people there …

New blog

This is a new blog I am trying on my site. Franco from Bigg Romeo has been looking to use one for a diary. I don’t know whether ot not he wants to use it for his Bigg Romeo diaries or what … It could be that he could use the same blog for say Bigg Romeo and personal use? I think that would be possible with this blog.

I have installed this and have already made some modifications to the source. Some things just didn’t work the way I would want, and I can’t believe these things were fixed before this was sent out … I even went as far as to move my entire site to a FreeBSD machine because I thought it might have something to do with Windows. I did however have to move to FreeBSD because of the way the links to the comments are passed. IIS didn’t like that at all.

Anyway, I’ll try this out for a while and see if it works, and maybe turn some people on to it and actually use it? We’ll see …