New Layout

You know, the more you mess with stuff, the more you learn … While I didn’t decide to pick today to design a new layout for my personal site, it just happened … Much the way I think most things happen … They just do … For example, when I came home from work Friday night, I learned that this kid who played on my Counter-Strike Server died that day … It started with a sore throat and no amount of penicillun could get rid of it. Finally diagnosed as Toxic Shock Syndrome … forget it, you’re a goner … and it happened unexpectedly … While the re-design of a web site layout is nothing compared to a death, it sort of is, isn’t it? Well, that’s stupid irony and probably a stupid way of thinking, but I guess all this thinking I am doing, I am doing in type. Regardless (irregardless isn’t a word), I have redesigned the layout and have been tweaking it, I will leave it as it is right now for another time … I must now venture out into the world and see about putting out other fires that exist …